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Friday, June 02, 2006
Introduction to JavaScript 
Javascript is a great language

The august Waldemar Horwat -- who was at one time the lead Javascript developer at AOL-Time-Warner-Netscape -- once told me that he considered Javascript to be just another syntax for Common Lisp. I'm pretty sure he was being serious.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Fishki.Net - Просто флешка....... Убойная )))) | Фишкин Прикол 
Fishki.Net - Просто флешка....... Убойная )))) | Фишкин Прикол
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Nerpa - Plugin to JetBrains Resharper 
Nerpa - Plugin to JetBrains Resharper.
Looks promising. I'll try this at home.

+ Adds a number of suggestions to improve the code. They are displayed in different color ("Resharper Suggestion" in font/color options, name subject to change), but otherwise behave like warnings. I hope it can be fixed soon, see "Controlling custom highlightes" topic in this newsgroup.
++ Suggestions to rename fields, parameters and variables to conform to coding style. Quick fix included.
++ Suggestion to rename parameters that are not named the same as parameter from base class/interface. Quick fix included. Planned to include the opposite quick fix (rename base parameter)
++ Avoid empty interfaces
++ Do not use general catch clause, do not catch general type 'Exception'. Checks for rethrowing exception (using "throw;") which is not a problem.
++ Types that own disposable fields should be disposable. Planned quick fix to add IDisposable on the class and implement it.
++ Constructor of abstract type should be protected. Quick fix to change constructor access.
++ Types with no externally visible constructors should not be abstract. Quick fix to remove abstract and add sealed.
++ Types with no externally visible constructors should be sealed. Quick fix to seal class.
++ Static holder types should be sealed. Quick fix to seal class.
++ Static holder types should not have externally visible constructors. Quick fix to change constructor access.
++ Parameter of externaly visible member should be checked for null. Planned quick fix to add check and throw exception.
This suggestion checks that parameter is used to access members of its type and is never compared to null. Internal and private members, internal types and private nested types are skipped. For protected members of externally visible types it supresses suggestion if member is not an override and containing type is sealed.

+ Menu action to fix all naming problems in current file (main menu and code window context menu).

+ Suggestions are filtered using general Resharper rules, like hide suggestions for designer generated code.

+ Batch folder/project/solution analysis. Right-click file container and select "Analyse files". It will process files and show "Analysis results" tool window with simple list of issues found. Double-click an issue to navigate to source code. Planned to integrate with next/prev error Resharper navigation style.

+ Code complexity analysis. User can set threshold to warn about cyclomatic complexity and maintainability index.
Cyclomatic complexity represents structural code complexity, the lower - the better.
Maintainability index represents easiness to maintain the code, the higher - the better.

+ Note, that guessing correct names is a kind of magic, so it may not work for you code style settings. If it doesn't, please drop me a note along with your prefix/suffix list. Also note, that it doesn't yet check for correct casing on types and members. Planned for future.

+ Options page in Resharper options to switch on/off suggestions: "Provide suggestions" checkbox.

+ Each analysis can be enabled/disabled individually.

+ Adds quickfixes to create empty class from unresolved reference. Two options are given - create in same file and create as new file. Quickfix is available in declarations and typeof expressions.

+ Context action to swap assignment expression source and destionation parts (i.e. left and right). Works on assignment '=' sign. Checks for left side to be readable (e.g. not a property with setter only) and right side to be writable (e.g. not readonly field outside of constructor). However, this feature was not yet tested extensively.
Implementing the Singleton Pattern in C# 
Implementing the Singleton Pattern in C# - a very good article. It presents an evolution of singleton pattern implementation explaining pros and cons of each iteration.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
C# Application Markup Language (CSAML): A Preview 
C# Application Markup Language (CSAML): A Preview by Charles Petzold
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Functional Programming in the Real World 
Here is a list of functional programs applied to real-world tasks. The main criterion for being real-world is that the program was written primarily to perform some task, not primarily to experiment with functional programming. Functional is used in the broad sense that includes both `pure' programs (no side effects) and `impure' (some use of side effects). Languages covered include CAML, Clean, Erlang, Haskell, Miranda, Scheme, SML, and others. (more)
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
ClearCase: The ten best scripts 
If you got tired of Rational ClearCase's unability to perform recursive actions, here is a solution -
ClearCase: The ten best scripts. It literally saved me a day today when I needed to add a solution containing 20 projects and roughly 1400 files in them to Source Control.
Monday, April 03, 2006
The Five Essential Phone Screen Questions 
The Five Essential Phone Screen Questions
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